Novi Sad Debate on Europe I / On the Margin
‘Novi Sad Debate on Europe I’ is a heterogeneous discussion with three participants and a moderator, within the socially engaged spoken programme ‘On the Margin’, organised by the ‘KROKODIL’ Association. It will be held on 23 and 24 June in the Creative District.
The two-day debate programme deals with life in conflict and post-conflict zones, the feminist struggle in that context, the relationship between urbanism and politics, and the future of the world after the COVID-19 pandemic.
On the first day, 23 June, the debate’s theme will be ‘Violence on the Walls’.
Participants: Aida Ćorović, Dragan Bursać, Boris Dežulović
Moderator: Marina Fratucan
The panel discussion will be held in Serbian, and a live broadcast is planned for the KROKODIL Engaging Words’ YouTube channel.
Photo: Alex Dmitrović