Performance ‘Democracy’ | Kaleidoscope of Culture 2024

The play ‘Democracy’ will be featured during the Performing Arts Week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture at the District in SCCNS Fabrika on 20 September at 7 p.m. Directed by Veljko Mićunović, ‘Democracy’ is a production of the Belgrade Drama Theatre in collaboration with the Novi Sad Theatre (Ujvideki Szinhaz).

The idea ofthe play is to explore the concept of democracy and what it means today—whether locally, globally, or universally. The performance questions how much of democracy’s original meaning remains, how the term is misused today, and whether democracy truly delivers on its fundamental principles. Has society ever truly experienced democracy, or has it always been confined to political maneuvering? The adaptation will be radical, incorporating various texts by Brodsky, including his essays and poetry, while also drawing from other perspectives on democratic governance—from the origins of democracy, through utopian ideas, to today’s questioning of what democracy really means in modern society.

Director: Veljko Mićunović
Dramaturge: Slobodan Obradović
Set Designer: Marija Kalabić
Costume Designer: Jelena Stokuća
Composer: Irena Popović Dragović
Speech Coach: Dijana Marojević
Lighting Design: Srđan Jovanović


  • Bazil Modestovič: Ozren Grabarić
  • Cecilia, Minister of Culture: Ivana Nikolić
  • Petrovič, Minister of Police: Arpad Mesaroš
  • Matilda, Chief of Staff: Tamara Aleksić
  • Gustav Adolfič, Minister of Finance: Gabor Pongo / Miloš Lazarov

Musicians: Nikola Dragović and Ivan Mirković

Admission is free, but the registration is required.

*All seating is fully booked. A limited number of standing spots remain, so we encourage you to arrive on time to secure a place and enjoy the performance.

The Kaleidoscope of Culture, as the most significant regional art gathering and the best European Trend Brand, brings together global stars, Serbian art giants, emerging creators, and the independent art scene for the seventh time.

For more information on the programme, visit the official Kaleidoscope of Culture website.

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20. Sep 2024.


7:00 PM


Булевар деспота Стефана 5, Нови Сад