European Skeletons from the Closet / SOC
A round table and discussion on the theme of less-known dark stories from World War II will be held in the Creative District on 26 June, within the Fortress of Peace programme arch.
There is almost no country without its own dark story from World War II. Although, as far as war crimes are concerned, the focus of attention was for a long time primarily on the defeated countries (Germany and Japan in the first place), it would be unjust to ignore the role of the Quisling regimes across Europe.
In many European countries, World War II served the extremists to take over power and, supported by the occupier, settle accounts with ethnic and religious groups they considered responsible for bad troubles in their countries.
Nowadays, most of these countries have laws punishing Holocaust denial (including Germany), but some terrifying stories have not been told yet.
If we add to this the unjustly neglected genocide of the Roma people, that was happening in parallel with the Holocaust (in some places even more brutal), then although eighty years have passed, our duty today is to repeatedly tell their stories and thereby prevent similar events in the future.
The programme is supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Photo: Promo