A Literary Conversation with Danica Vukićević, Muharem Bazdulj and Milica Vučković
Kaleidoscope of Culture Literary Week will bring a conversation with some of the most widely read regional writers. We will talk to Danica Vukićević, Muharem Bazdulj and Milica Vučković in the District (Biro) on 14 October from 7 p.m.
Milica Vučković
Milica Vučković was born in 1989 in Belgrade. She graduated in 2012 from the Department of Applied Painting in the class of Professor Miroslav Lazović, at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, where she also completed her master’s studies. At the same faculty, she received her doctorate in 2022 in the study programme of Applied Arts and Design, with the work entitled ‘Perception of a Work of Art by a Class-Different Observer: An Interactive Exhibition of Paintings and Spatial Installations.’ She worked for a year on the subject ‘nude art’ and ‘scenography’ as an associate at FAA. From 2014 to 2021, she published three books, the collection of stories ‘Roj’, the novel ‘Boldvin’, and the novel ‘The Fatal Outcome of Athletic Injuries’, for which she received the Vital Award for the best novel of the year. She has over ten solo exhibitions, a few collective exhibitions, as well as several projects on which she worked as a set designer or scenography assistant at the National Theatre in Belgrade and the Belgrade Drama Theatre.
Muharem Bazdulj
Muharem Bazdulj (Travnik, 1977) is a writer, journalist and literary translator. He published about fifteen books, mostly novels and collections of stories, among which ‘Druga Knjiga’ (2000), ‘Đaur i Zulejha’ (2004), ‘April na Vlašiću’ (2011.), ‘Lutka od Marcipana’ (2016), ‘Kvadratni Koren iz Života’ (2018), ‘Posljednji Muškarac’ (2019). His books have been translated into English, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Macedonian, and some stories and essays into ten other languages. He writes feuilletons, essays and columns for ‘Politika’, ‘Nedeljnik’, the ‘Oko’ portal of Radio-Television of Serbia and some other media in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia. He is the winner of several literary and journalistic awards, among them ‘Stanislav Staša Marinković’ of the daily newspaper ‘Danas’ and ‘Bogdan Tirnanić’ of the Association of Journalists of Serbia.
Danica Vukićević
Danica Vukićević (1959, Valjevo) completed elementary school, 9th Grammar School and the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade (General Literature and Theory of Literature Department) as well as Gender Studies. She is a member of the Serbian Literary Society. She also deals with literary criticism and essay writing. Her poems were translated into Spanish, English, German, Polish, French, Greek, Macedonian, Dutch… The novel ‘Unutrašnje more’ was translated into Macedonian. Published in important journals; represented in numerous poetry and prose anthologies. She has published six collections of poetry: ‘Kao Hotel na Vetru‘ (1992), ‘Kada Sam Čula Glasove‘ (1995), ‘Šamanka‘ (2001), ‘Luk i Strela‘ (2006), ‘Prelazak u Jednu Drugu Vrstu‘ (2007), ‘Visoki fabrički dimnjaci‘ (2012), ‘Svetlucavost i milost‘ (2013), ‘Dok je sunca i meseca‘ (2015), ‘Ja, Klaudija‘ (2018) and selected poems ‘Kad mi mrtvi ustanemo‘ (2014) as well as two books of short prose: ‘Na Plažama‘ (1998) and ‘Život Je Gorila’ (2000) and the collection of short stories Majka obrnutih stvari (2017). She is the winner of the ProFemina Award for the collection ‘Kada Sam Čula Glasove’, 1995, the ‘Biljana Jovanović’ Award, 2007 and the ‘Milica Stojadinović Srpkinja’ Award, 2014, as well as NIN’s Award in 2022 for the novel Unutrašnje more.
Admission is free of charge.
Partner of the Kaleidoscope of culture is Erste Bank.