The interactive installation ‘Autokorekt’ by the Karkatag Art Collective will be set up as part of the Opening Week of Kaleidoscope of Culture programme arch on 2 September at 8 p.m. on the façade of the Fabrika building in the Creative District.
This work emerges as a synthesis of visual arts, architecture, digital and new media art, and stage design.
The art installation ‘Autokorekt’ encompasses a robotic and automated web of mobile industrial elements that, with their synchronised digitally controlled movement, produce choreography, with the machines dancing on the façade, turning the entire building into a stage, and the audience, passers-by, and the building users into accidental or intentional co-authors of this work of art.
The installation spreads across 300 square metres of the façade and a few dozens of visitors can simultaneously interact with it, while its contents will be visible to the spectators from the entire plateau in front of the District.
Karkatag is an art collective from Belgrade formed in 2009. It operates in the field of interactive art and new media, bordering on performative. Karkatag mainly makes one-of-a-kind machines, usually of a larger scale, which, when exposed or put to use, lead the audience to become an active participant, a performer, and the events generated through their work/use become an inseparable and essential part of the realisation itself.
So far, Karkatag has participated in numerous exhibitions, festivals, and performances in Germany, England, Austria, Poland, Croatia, Switzerland, Montenegro, and several cities across Serbia. As part of the National Selection, Karkatag won the Gold Medal for Provoking a Dialogue at the Prague Quadrennial in 2015. Also, in 2015, it won the Award for the Development of the British programme Gone in 20 Minutes for new and bold outdoor art projects. In the same year, it also won the prestigious Oxford Samuel Beckett Theatre Trust award and production at the Barbican Centre in London in 2016 in collaboration with the British group Collectif and then… More recent works of the collective are permanently exhibited and used in the exhibition of the Museum of Yugoslavia, ‘Remont’ Gallery, and on the building SCCNS Fabrika.
From 2010 to 2016, Karkatag ran a residential space in Svilajnac, and since 2015, it has been running an open workshop Praksa Makersapace Belgrade at Magacin and in Kraljevića Marka Street. Many training and education programmes for other artists and those interested in using various new media technologies were conducted in both spaces.
Partneri Kaleidoskopa kulture su Erste banka, IDEA, DDOR osiguranje, A1 Srbija i Heineken Srbija.
Photo: Promo