Ballet Show La La La
The ballet show ‘La La La’ by choreographer Saša Evtimova, produced by the National Ballet of North Macedonia, will be shown on the Performing Stage in the Creative District on 4 September at 9 p.m. during the opening week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture programme.
For those who dream…
Music awakens in us feelings, memories, longings, dreams, nostalgia, and a sentimental yearning for happiness, for the time we lived in and for for the people we shared those memories with. No one can revive time or memories like a good old music tape.
Each mix tape takes us on a nostalgic journey and tells a story from another time. Everything is in us, not where we live. There are no limits, we set them ourselves, but if we are open enough, optimistic and if we believe in ourselves, the whole world is in the palm of our hands.
Embrace the memories and hold them close to your heart. Until yesterday, we were what we want to forget today, and all we need is just to live, and music is what takes us on unforgettable journeys.
Photo: Promo