BIO AWAKING: Bio Art Forum

The Bio Art Forum, which will be held in the District in Novi Sad from 16 to 18 May , will bring together artists, researchers and experts who will examine the exciting intersections of art and biological sciences.

During three days, participants will have the opportunity to hear lectures from some of the leading experts in the field, participate in workshops, interactive sessions and panel discussions. The forum represents a unique opportunity to explore new ideas and exchange knowledge about bio-art, offering an opportunity for networking and acquiring new knowledge, both for experienced professionals and for those who are just entering the world of bio-art.

The event will be opened by Prof. Polona Tratnik, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana and senior researcher at the IRRIS Institute. Her lecture on the intertwining of art and biotechnology will lay the foundations for the discussions that will be held during the forum. Has art become biotechnology or is it just its promoter? What role does art play in relation to biotechnology? These questions will be at the heart of her lecture, which explores the exciting intersection of art and science.

Supported by the EU Creative Europe programme, the forum aims to promote cultural diversity and sustainability in the cultural and creative sector.

Project partners and collaborators:

Citizens’ Association Reaktor

Kersnikov Institute

Universal Research Institute (UR Institute)

Centre for the Promotion of Science (CPN)


‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation

Portal art+science

SKUP – Union of Collective Art Practice

Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina

Supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

You can see the PROGRAMME  HERE.

Register at THE LINK for free participation in the forum.


The event is finished.



16. May 2024.


9:00 AM - 4:30 PM


SKUP (Savez kolektivne umetničke prakse)