Borđoš 7000 Years Ago / A Neolithic Night’s Dream
On Thursday, 13 October, at 6 p.m., a screening of the documentary ‘Borđoš 7000 Years Ago’ will be held at the Museum of Vojvodina, as an accompanying programme of the exhibition ‘A Neolithic Night’s Dream’.
Before the screening, Aleksandar Medović, senior archaeobotanist curator, will give an introductory speech about this exceptional archaeological site.
The documentary film Borđoš 7000 Years Ago is a co-production of Media Art Content, Sabadoš Servis and Axios Media. Along with the archaeological team of the Museum of Vojvodina, led by Aleksandra and Ildiko Medović, the people who helped make this film into reality include Robert Farkaš, director of photography Bojan Dakić, editor Vladimir Antić and director Rastislav Durman, among others.
On the banks of the Tisza River, not far from Novi Bečej, there is a seven-thousand-year-old settlement – we call it Borđoš, after the village that was located in the same area in the Middle Ages. This Neolithic settlement is interesting in many ways – it lasted over five hundred years, it was located on the border between two cultures, the Tisza and Vinča cultures, and it was quite large. Long-term research by the archaeological team of the Museum of Vojvodina and the Christian-Albrecht Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology of the University of Kiel has revealed a lot about the Neolith in Banat, but at the same time, many questions have yet to be answered, for example: how Did materials reach Borđoš from a distance of up to seven hundred kilometres at a time when horses were not yet domesticated?
Photo: Promo