Children’s and Youth Biennale / Biennale of Stage Design
During the ‘Biennale of Stage Design’, which takes place from 5 to 7 September and on 10 September, from 4 to 7 p.m., on the first floor at Radionica, location 2 in the District, the Children’s and Youth Biennale will be organised. During the Biennale, children will have a chance to participate in final workshops dedicated to this year’s topic of the ‘SCENlab’ kindergarten season, ‘Puppets’. The puppet show will take place on 9 September at noon.
Children’s Biennale
In the period March-June, the workshops of the ‘SCENlab’ kindergarten resulted in semi-products, props and puppets, which will be completed within the workshops at the Biennale and revived in short puppet shows. Puppet theatre will be developed by designing the stage, i.e., a space where children will move puppets in different ways – they will use Guignol puppets or costume masks.
You need to register your child for one of the four offered dates (they can attend the workshop for all four days) via email: deca@bisd.rs, no later than 1 September 2022. The workshops are free of charge. The workshops are intended for children aged 6-10.
The workshops are led by: Dragana Pilipović and assistants
Youth Biennale
The workshops within the Youth Biennale will be held from 5 to 9 September at Radionica, location 2, on the first floor.
The Youth Biennale includes a series of creative and professional workshops in the field of theatre, visual arts, architecture and technology, dedicated to all interested high school students and students. Participants will have an opportunity to explore hidden, exciting sides of different areas of stage design.
You can apply by filling in the form available on the website of the Biennale from 3 September 2022, while you can see the atmosphere during workshops implemented throughout the year on our website.
Authors of the Youth Biennale programme: Darinka Mihajlović aka Selena Orb, Aleksandra Pešterac and Romana Bošković Živanović
Coordinator of the programme: Maja Vilić
5 September, 11 a.m.
Stage Makeup (A Quick Magic Tool): Darinka Mihajlović aka Selena Orb
A costume helps the actor to transform his own body into a stage body and to evoke a certain time and space. In the very process, stage makeup plays an important role since it allows the actor to completely change their physiognomy and thus become someone else. Within the workshop, we will demonstrate different examples of techniques that stage makeup artists use in the theatre and on film. The workshop deals with the process of transforming the face of an actor-performer, from his to a character’s face. Learn how to make someone older or younger, construct a face, put on a wig, and make scars and special effects. Get to know the secrets of ‘quick’ changes that are beyond recognition.
The workshop guest: Stage mask artist and stage makeup artist Dubravka Bušatlija
6 September, 11 a.m.
The (In)Visible in Abandoned Spaces / Aleksandra Pešterac and Mina Stojanov
The workshop about the (in)visible in abandoned paces represents the search for interesting details and atmosphere of the Czech Magazine building in Liman, in the close vicinity of the District. During the workshop, we will try to discover the value of the abandoned space. We will deal with narratives and ambience values of space, that may not be visible to others, but with the idea to make them visible. The workshop will result in a series of photographs presented from the perspective of participants of the workshop. Participants will have a task to tell a story about the space by using photographs.
7 September, 11 a.m.
Guided Tour: The Kombinat Workshops or How to Equip a Theatre Play / Vladimir Savić
As part of the guided tour of the difficult workshops of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad, visitors will have a chance to attend carpentry, locksmith, wallpaper and painting workshops. Participants will have a chance to find out about the purpose of workshops in the process of designing a stage and specific techniques and crafts, and to talk to people who work there. During the tour, demonstrations of certain techniques and procedures related to the specific activity of each of the workshops will be organised. The aim of the tour is to get to know people who are part of the process of implementing a theatre performance and to point out the importance of this part of the technical department of the theatre.
7 September, 6 p.m.
Guided Tour: Firsthand BISD / Zoja Erdeljan
During the guided tour through the Biennale of Stage Design, participants will visit all the spaces where the Biennale programme takes place. The tour starts at the University Campus and finishes in the District. In addition to visiting the programmes, and talking with the authors, collaborators and technical teams of the Biennale, participants will learn everything about the concept, preparations and implementation process and will have the opportunity to see the ‘behind the scenes’ spaces, those that are not always accessible to the public and that make the festival possible.
Furthermore, they will learn more about stage design, how the Biennale was created, why it was renewed and why it is important for our region.
8 September, 11 a.m.
A Character and His House: Who’s There When Nobody’s Home? / Marija Varga and Maja Vilić
The workshop deals with a unique spatial and meaningful framework – a house. Starting with the text, sound, and scent, and interpreting them, we will construct a common image of the character through the drawing. Later on, we will deal with creating the personal space of our main character’s house.
The idea is to reach the basic guidelines through the character study, which will help us develop the character of the space. The goal of this creative process is for the participants of the workshop to create an image of the space of the house that belongs only to them, through the interpretation of the physical appearance of the character and his personality.
How does one character form the space of the house and how does the house form the character?
The result of the workshop will be a scale model of the house complemented by the lighting, sound and other stage equipment.
8 September, 6 p.m.
Space From (With)in / Dragana Pilipović
How do you feel at the moment? Can you turn it into something tangible? Can you materialise your current feelings, thinking and state? Do you need to hide some emotions or announce how happy you are?
By using the available materials, the workshop participants will try to show their inner state through spatial interpretation. It can be an element such as props for the body, head, arms, legs, or anything three-dimensional. Various types of materials with a tactile quality and related to a character will be available to the participants. The workshop will result in a series of photographs by the students with the newly created element.
9 September, 11 a.m.
What Can Be Seen by Hearing / Sanja Bunjevac
As we consciously orient ourselves in space with the sense of sight, the information we receive through sound, although it strongly participates in the formation of a complete image of the environment, often remains unconscious. Therefore, the workshop aims to make the participants better acquainted with the potential of human perception by hearing.
Through researching the words used to describe the sounds, by listening to the sounds placed in different spaces, determining the place of the sound source, and following the sound in motion, the participants consciously conquer the space from a different perspective. Defining the characteristics of the external place or the internal feeling that the sound led them to will give the result of the workshop, which will be a group of words as a confirmation of the amount and variety of information. Therefore, the workshop aims to make the participants better acquainted with the potential of human perception by hearing. The corporeal and deep instinctive value of auditory perception will be further tested by listening to ASMR audio recordings and discussing the physical sensations they can produce. Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that causes goosebumps and a feeling of relaxation that can be produced by listening to soft sounds recorded very close to their source.
Partners of the Kaleidoscope of Culture 2022 are Erste Bank, IDEA, DDOR, A1 Srbija, and Heineken Srbija.
Photo: Dragana Pilipovic