Contemporary Serbian Composers – A New Scene
‘Contemporary Serbian Composers – A New Scene’ concert will be held on 13 September at Svilara Cultural Station, as part of the Performing Arts Week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture.
The contemporary music creation of local composers is a field of live, fresh, quality and for now undiscovered (at least by a wider audience) music. Stylistically diverse, expressively convincing, and uninhibited by genre, this music once again places primacy on communicativeness in the relationship between composer – performer – audience. Contemporary compositional tendencies of aleatoric, improvisation, microtonality, postminimalism, proceduralism, reductionism and electro-acoustics interpenetrate each other and create new sound spaces in which the previous way of perceiving music is constantly being re-examined.
Although this music is supported in certain institutions, it is still far from the public eye, and the space for it is measured in microns of the entire media coverage. The generation of composers who live their entire lives in the 21st century still lacks the institutional support that composers who began their work at the turn of the millennium have. Therefore, the difference in poetics, approach, content, form, medium, as well as way of communication outside the concert podium is significantly more drastic compared to the difference of all previous generations, and the establishment of a new network is of utmost importance.
For this reason, the Pneuma Quartet finds its purpose precisely in promoting the music of the youngest generation of local composers. It is always on the lookout for existing compositions that it would promote at concerts, however as part of this project, it would also launch a public call for composers to compose a new piece for this occasion.
Partners of the Kaleidoscope of Culture are Erste Bank, IDEA, DDOR, A1 Srbija, and Heineken Srbija.
Photo: Promo