Milk, but Also Honey / CulturEssence
‘CulturEssence’, a project implemented within the Schools of the Future programme arch, brings along the interactive drama play ‘CulturEssence’ in the Laza Kostic Grammar School on 14 April at 8 p.m.
The interactive play ‘CulturEssence’, performed by children and young people, thematically deals with the complex issues of today’s children, such as peer violence, disrespect for diversity, misunderstanding and irresponsibility, with an interdisciplinary artistic approach. The play will end with a debate.
‘CulturEssence’ is a cultural action whose main goal is to highlight the power of culture and performing arts in the development and shaping of personality in children and youth through various activities and art forms, by direct involvement in all segments of the project – from creating works to implementation. The project includes children and young people (members of minority and vulnerable groups – Roma), their parents, pedagogues, relevant experts and the widest audience in all phases of preparation and implementation. Through international cooperation and professional workshops, the project contributes to the exchange of experiences, improvement of pedagogical techniques and work with children and youth, and encourages intercultural dialogue and the promotion of common European values.
Workshops will be implemented by professional artists from the Academy of Entertainment and Arts O&M, experienced in working with children (choral singing with movement, acting as a tool in educational work, creative dance and stage movement for children, and acting improvisations).