Debate / Ballets Jazz Montreal
A debate with dancers of the most famous dance troupe, Ballets Jazz Montreal, will be held in the Serbian National Theatre on 10 April. The debate will focus on their lives in large traveling troupes, working with well-known choreographers and experiences they had when creating a play to the music of Leonard Cohen. The discussion and workshops within the dance festival will be held as part of the ‘Schools of the Future’ programme unit.
Born from a collaboration between Geneviève Salbaing, Eva Von Genscy and Eddy Toussaint in 1972, Ballets Jazz Montréal emerged as a repertoire company that creates, produces and performs contemporary dance plays based on the technique, rigor and aesthetics of classical ballet.
Their work has always been present on local, national and international stages. The company offers highly professional ballet training and gives internationally recognised choreographers the freedom to develop their artistic process following with the troupe’s identity. In this way, an exclusive repertoire that is accessible to everyone is created.
As an ambassador of Quebec dance in the world, Ballets Jazz Montréal is a synonym for the brilliant interpretation.
Their recognisable style is artistic, sexy, explosive, authentic and accessible at the same time. Upon his appointment as artistic director in 1998, Louis Robitaille reoriented the troupe towards an audience curious to discover new choreographic forms, and connected it with new famous names of contemporary dance such as Crystal Pite, Aszure Barton, Mauro Bigonzetti, Andonis Foniadakis, Itzik Galili, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Barak Marshall, Benjamin Millepied, Cayetano Soto, etc.
In recent years, the company has focused on multi-disciplinary pieces, which combine dance with other artistic disciplines such as theatre, video and music.
Each piece is specially created for the Ballets Jazz Montréal, while the distinctive feature and professional performers ensure the sustainable success and reputation of the troupe.
With more than 2,500 performances and an audience of more than 2.8 million people in 68 countries, Ballets Jazz Montréal is considered the real global ambassador of dance in Canada and artistic vitality across the world. In 2016, the Prix Rideau Hommage was awarded to the troupe and its artistic director in recognition of its impact and continued presence on the Quebec stage.
During the dance festival, we will have a chance to see the workshop and a lecture by the Ju Strømgren troupe from Oslo in the Serbian National Theatre on 29 April.
Photo: Promo