The exhibition of art and scientific research on the EcOprint of humankind, organised by the Centre for the Promotion of Science, will be open on the Štrand beach in Novi Sad from 18 to 31 July.
The Centre for the Promotion of Science arranges activities on the borderline between science and art with the programme dedicated to climate challenges and multidisciplinary research in this field. During July and August 2022, in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy and the Academy of Arts of the University of Novi Sad, as well as with the ‘Zeleni Sad’ association, the traditional manifestation ‘Art+Science’ will take place in Novi Sad and Belgrade, with the primary goal to change the habits and consciousness of the citizens towards a sustainable and cleaner environment.
The exhibition ‘The Nature of the Future’ will present works by the three interdisciplinary teams from Serbia, implemented by CPN, and the three works by foreign artists. The works, which are part of the seventh edition of the ‘Art+Science’ programme, represent different views on climate changes, pollution and impact on the environment by using contemporary artistic practices and relevant scientific knowledge and methods. The main motive of the whole exhibition is the understanding of our complex
relation to waste, pollution and its consequences, offering the possible answer from the society and individuals to demanding questions related to different disciplines such as biology, economy, politics, medicine and culture.
From the beginning of the project, through intensive dialogue and joint research, a group of female students of the Academy of Arts of the University of Novi Sad has been developing the unique artwork of Ecotopia. Set up as a specific immersive space, the installation aims to activate in the viewers a confrontation with adopted habits in order to motivate them to a new perception of the relationship between the natural environment, mass consumerism and our contribution to existing problems, as well as possible solutions.
The most exciting and challenging point of the programme is the premiere presentation of the Climate Capsule, as a mobile and modular platform dedicated to scientific, artistic and educational consideration of the entirety of climate change.
The event is accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Photo: Jelena Ivanović