Exhibition Pomorišac – Vasa Pomorišac

The Pomorišac – Vasa Pomorišac exhibition is open in the Matica Srpska Gallery from October 21 to February 24, 2024. Every weekend at 1:00 p.m., the interested audience can expect expert guidance through this exhibition.

This exhibition is dedicated to an artist who managed to present classical art through the lens of a modern view. To the artist who was the only one among his fellow painters of the first half of the 20th century to study in London. To the artist who was awarded the Silver Medal of the Association of French Artists. An artist whose works are kept in numerous private collections in Europe, but also in the state collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. To the artist who, during fifty years of creation, gave birth to a unique artistry in Serbian art. He is Pomorišac – Vasa Pomorišac.

His artistic path developed from his native Modoš, through Zagreb, Munich and Belgrade, all the way to London and Paris. His recognition in the world of art is evidenced by numerous commissions and works executed in different media, various themes and for different needs – from portraits, religious and mythological compositions in oil, through historical and folk motifs in fresco painting, stained glass and book illustrations, to designs for banknotes, but also a good reception by critics and positive opinions of the then professional public, colleagues and society in general. Also, cooperation with Matica Serbian was not absent. He was the last, the eleventh scholar of Matica Srpska, which is why it is no coincidence that the 175th anniversary of the Gallery of Matica Srpska, which began with an exhibition of the works of the first scholar Uroš Predić, is rounded off with an exhibition of the works of Vasa Pomorišac.

In the desire to once again highlight the name and creativity of the painter Vasa Pomorišac in the public eye and to once again point out his contribution to Serbian art, Matica Srpska Gallery in cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade is realizing an exhibition that will present over a hundred works of art thanks to the support of Pomorišč’s sons Gordan and Bojan, the National Museum of Serbia, the Museum of Applied Arts, the Military Museum, the Belgrade City Museum, the Zrenjanin National Museum, the Pančevo National Museum, the “Nadežda Petrović” Art Gallery in Čačak, the Požarevac National Museum, the Smederevska Palanka National Museum, the Pension and Disability Fund insurance in Zrenjanin, as well as numerous private collectors.

The exhibition is accompanied by a bilingual catalog of the same name with texts by exhibition curators Jelena Ognjanović and Dr. Ana Ereš, as well as art historians Luka Vukićević, MA, and Mišela Blanuš, MA. The realization of the exhibition and catalog was made possible by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities, OTP Bank Serbia and DDOR Insurance. Media partners of the exhibition are JMU Radio-television Vojvodina, Radio 021, Naxi Planeta radio, Radio Beseda, Color Press Group, Kulture.rs, TV Pančevo/Dunav TV and Ringier Serbia doo – Blic.

The event is finished.


27. Jan 2024.


The Gallery of Matica Srpska
Trg galerija 1, Novi Sad