In ‘The Promised Land’ by László Végel
A staged reading of the essay ‘The Promised Land’ by László Végel in which the author himself will participate, together with Teofil Pančić, will be held during the Migrations programme arch in the Master Hall on the Novi Sad Fair on 4 March.
László Végel’s special connection to Novi Sad was already apparent in his novel ‘Memoirs of a Pimp’. The Promised Land project is a sublimation of his vision of Novi Sad, through a performance of his drama “Neoplanta” (venue: Újvidéki Színház/Novi Sad Theatre) as well as his literary essay on Novi Sad, ‘The Promised Land’. The essay is a continuation of his novel, ‘Neoplanta or the Promised Land’. As part of the Danubian Limes, a European nexus of communication and a city where life has always played out intensely, Novi Sad is full of the dilemma and trauma of the Balkans and Central Europe. Novi Sad is far from perfect, writes László Végel; it is a city ‘in which life is difficult, but without which one cannot live’. The essay will be simultaneously translated from the Hungarian into Serbian, German and English.
Moderator: Vladimir Gvozden
Speakers: Laslo Vegel, Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, the Konrad Adenauer Stifung. and Teofil Pančić, critic.
Project is supportet from the Konrad Adenauer Stifung.
Partner of the ‘Migration of Souls’ programme is the Novi Sad Fair, with support from the Globos Insurance company and Dijamant DOO.
Photo: Promо