International Scientific Conference and Lecture / Sava Šumanović and European Realism Between the Two World Wars
A two-day international scientific conference within the ‘Sava Šumanović and European Realism Between the Two World Wars’ exhibition, as well as a lecture by Prof. Zvonko Marković, PhD, under the name ‘Sava Šumanović: The Beginnings (Zagreb 1914–1925)’ will be held at the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection in Novi Sad on 25 November, and at the ‘Sava Šumanović’ Art Gallery in Šid, on 26 November.
The conference, which will bring together eminent experts from Serbia and the region, was organised with the aim of presenting new interpretations of Šumanović’s oeuvre, as well as other significant representatives or artistic manifestations of realism in the interwar period, through the exhibited scientific works.
As part of the programme of the conference in Novi Sad, on 25 November, a lecture by Prof. Zvonko Maković, PhD, will be held. The topic of the lecture will deal with Šumanović’s formative years spent in Zagreb, as well as his first successes and artists who left a significant mark on Sava Šumanović’s life and work.