Nationalism in the 21st century / SOC
Participants of the SOC Festival of Reconciliation, with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum, deal with the contemporary nationalism within the the Fortress of Peace programme arch in the Creative District on 27 June.
Although many predicted that the ‘age of nationalism’ was finally over, we are witnessing the fact that nationalism is a much more durable and extremely tough socio-political ideology. Nationalist policies also characterize the modern age, national loyalty motivates the citizens of the world, while the national country continues to be the framework in which 21st century societies exist. We are interested in the influence of nationalism in the century in which we live and its causes and consequences today. Can we do better than that? What distinguishes modern nationalisms? Is nationalism a fate or a recurrence of the ancient past?
Christopher Cohrs (Philipps University of Marburg)
Dejan Jović (University of Zagreb)
Judith Goetz (University of Vienna)
Siniša Malešević (University College, Dublin, Ireland)
Moderator: Stefan Janjić (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad)