Opening of the Exhibition Cabinet of Wonders
The ‘Cabinet of Wonders’ exhibition will remain open in the Svilara Cultural Station from 27 September at 8.22 p.m., within the Visual Arts Week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture.
The exhibition will be open until October 5, every weekday and weekend from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The ‘Cabinet of Wonders’ is a collection of artistic works, nature, curiosity and findings from churches and noble houses from the 18th and 19th centuries, known as ‘Wunderkammer’. At that time, science and art were not strictly separated. During the exhibition, we will examine and visualise the contemporary aspect and expand it to a human brain as a biological structure where the process of ‘wonder’ happens. The exhibition will also present recent findings on the effects of art on the brain and encourage dialogue with scientists.
The author of the exhibition is the Austrian artist Gerhard Flekatsch. In creating this exhibition, the artist collaborated with artists from Novi Sad.
The partner of the Visual Arts Week is DDOR.
Photo: Gerhard Flekatsch