Sava Šumanović and European Realism Between the Two World Wars
The exhibition will run from 24 September to 4 December within the joint Kaleidoscope of Culture programme concept in the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, in the Gallery of Matica Srpska and in the ‘Sava Šumanović’ Painting Gallery in Šid, and will include a program-related exhibition setting in the Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić as well.
The ‘Sava Šumanović and European Realism Between the Two World Wars’ project, organised by the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, through the realisation of the exhibition and the realisation of an international scientific conference, focuses the attention of the audience to Sava Šumanović,
one of the most significant painters of Serbian art of the 20th century.
A representative catalogue with texts written by prominent scientific and museum experts Prof. Dr Zvonko Maković, Prof. Dr Lidija Merenik, Prof. Dr Igor Borozan, Dr Ana Ereš, Dr Tijana Palkovljević Bugarski, Sofija Milenković, Gordana Krstić Faj, Tamara Ognjević and Milana Kvas completes this exhibition in three museums.
With its active design and various forms of interpretation of Sava Šumanović’s paintings, the exhibition addresses a wide spectre of audience. The exhibition opening will feature a multimedia performance dedicated to the interpretation of the painting ‘Breakfast on the Grass’.
There will be a series of lectures and expert-guided tours through the exhibition settings, with sign language interpretations, workshops for young people and preschool children, film screenings and the play ‘Bohemians from Montparnasse’ in cooperation with the Youth Theatre ‘Mousetrap’.
Opening hours of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection:
Tuesday–Friday: 10 a.m.–8 p.m
Thursday: 13:00–21:00
Saturday–Sunday: 10‒6 p.m
Monday: closed
Working hours of Matica Srpska Gallery:
Tuesday‒Thursday: 10‒20 hours
Friday: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
Saturday‒Sunday: 10‒6 p.m
Monday: closed
The ticket price for the exhibition is 200 RSD and it is valid for both museums (Pavel Beljanski Memorial Collection and Matica Srpska Gallery).
The partner of the Visual Arts Week is DDOR.
Photo: Galerija Matice srpske