Screening of the film ‘Little Palestine, Diary of the Siege’ / Migrations in Art, the Art of Migration
The screening of the ‘Little Palestine, Diary of the Siege’ documentary will be held on 29 March, at 7 p.m. in the Gallery of Matica Srpska. The screening is part of the ‘Migrations in Art, the Art of Migration’ programme within the Migrations programme arch.
Although it is not officially marked as a camp, Yarmouk has the largest number of Palestinian refugees in Syria. At the beginning of the century, more than a hundred thousand souls lived there. Their number decreased significantly during the civil war in this country because that place became the focus of the conflict between the Free Syrian Army and its allies and pro-government forces. This area is under constant siege by the Syrian army, and the impact it has on the civilian population is noted in the documentary ‘Little Palestine, the Diary of the Siege’. It was filmed for three years and is a deeply emotional story of a community struggling to survive in extraordinary and unexpected conditions.
Directed by Abdallah Al-Khatib
Genre: documentary
Duration: 83 minutes
Production: Lebanon, Qatar, France