Serbian Queer Literature
Serbian queer literature will be presented on Tuesday, 22 November at 6 p.m. in the District, at the Liman Cultural Station, as part of the Other? Europe programme arch.
Dragoslava Barzut, author of the novel Papirna disko kugla (Paper Disco Ball), Stefan Mihajlovski, author of the novels Ispod grla (Under the Throat), and 14 dana karantina (14 Days of Quarantine), Igor Perišić, PhD, from the Institute of Literature and Art and author of the book Srpski (o)kvir (Serbian Queer Work) and Milan Aranđelović, author of the novel Sanjaju li androidi radnička prava? (Do Androids Dream of Labour Rights?) and editor of Bookvar magazine will cover the topic of LGBT characters in Serbian literature.
Photo: Promo