ECoCThe UNESCO Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage is richer for Serbian Slava, and it is the first cultural good to be inscribed on the list. The programme refers to the celebration of the feast of St. Basil the Great in all Cultural Stations on 14 and 15 January 2022, with the aim of pointing out the importance of preserving the intangible cultural heritage of our people.
The ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation recognized this programme as a project of European importance and a very important European dimension.
The exhibition of photographs by Pavel Surový refers to the presentation of the richness of diversity of folk costumes of all peoples of Vojvodina (Serbs, colonists and immigrants, Slovaks, Hungarians, Ruthenians, Bunjevci, Šokci, Romanians). The exhibition will present a unique scenography of all spaces in which the programme is implemented.
The programme of church choirs, singing the troparion, will last 20 minutes. After the ritual of blessing the grain, cutting of the bread and prayer, the host of the slava then ‘raises the slava’, or greets the slava. All present approach the slava table (with the inevitable vasilice), after which follows a carefully selected musical programme that will present the rich musical-tamburitza heritage shared by all peoples of Vojvodina.
The presentation of the gastronomic heritage of the peoples of Vojvodina and the heritage reflected in the skills of old crafts will be implemented by setting up stands in front of cultural stations.
Children, as the future and most important bearers of cultural heritage, the members of the cultural-artistic associations’ folk dance ensembles from Novi Sad and its surroundings have arranged a programme that both presents the role of children in the winter cycle of traditions (korinđanje [carolling], pijukanje [cheeping], Materice and Oci, Vertep, etc.), as well as choral, vocal and instrumental traditions adapted to their age group.
The event will be held in accordance with the applicable epidemiological measures, i.e. in accordance with the current Decree on measures for prevention and suppression of infectious disease COVID-19.
The entrance is free of charge.
You can find detailed information on the events that will be implemented within Slava at cultural stations website.