Szilard Mezei Ring Consort + Nicola Guazzaloca + Csaba Nagy | Kaleidoscope of Culture 2024

A concert of contemporary improvised and early music by the international ensemble Szilard Mezei Ring Consort (SRB-HU), featuring guest performers Nicola Guazzaloca (Bologna) and Csaba Nagy (Veszprém), will be held as part of the Applied Arts Week at the Kaleidoscope of Culture on 6th September at 8 PM in the Distrikt.


  • Szilárd Mezei – viola, composer, arranger, vocals
  • Margit Szvetnyik – violin, vocals
  • Zoltán Csányi – double bass, acoustic guitar, vocals
  • Kornél Jenei – percussion


  • Nicola Guazzaloca – piano
  • Csaba Nagy – lutes, theorbo

Szilard Mezei Ring Consort was founded in 2020 during improvised music workshops in Senta and Szeged. The ensemble focuses on free improvisation, contemporary improvised music with elements of early music improvisation, and Szilárd Mezei’s compositions, which play a significant role in the ensemble’s repertoire. The members come from various musical backgrounds, with improvisation as their common ground—one of the most elemental and profound forms of musical expression.

Free admission.

Kaleidoscope of Culture, as the most significant regional art gathering and the best European Trend Brand, brings together world stars, giants of Serbian art, rising creators and the independent art scene for the seventh time.

Read more information about the programme on the official Kaleidoscope of Culture website.

The event is finished.


06. Sep 2024.


8:00 PM


Булевар деспота Стефана 5, Нови Сад