The Academic Folk Choir / Singing Bridges
The Academic Folk Choir of the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts from Plovdiv will hold a concert on July 22 in the Novi Sad Synagogue, as part of the ‘Singing Bridges’ choral festival.
The Academic Folk Choir was founded in 1972 with the establishment of the specialty “Folk Instruments and Folk Singing”. The choir has a wide range in the stylistic palette of its repertoire – from the original folk song from different regions of the country to polyphonic arrangements, original compositions built with avant-garde means of expression (including aleatory and sonoristic), ancient orthodox chants, etc.). The success of people in his numerous concerts in the country and abroad (Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, France, Russia, Finland, Poland, etc.) is exceptional.
Leaders of people were:
Prof. Asen Diamandiev (1972-1975), who laid the foundations for the professional growth of people;
Assoc. Stefan Mutafchiev (1975-1981), with whom the first successful performances of people are connected;
Prof. Vasilka Spasova (1981-2004), under whose leadership the choir celebrates brilliant achievements and international fame.
Since the autumn of 2004 the conductor of the choir is Prof. Dr. Kostadin Buradjiev. The choir received the greatest recognition for its high professionalism at the 5th Choir Olympiad in Graz, Austria in 2008, winning the Gold Medal and the title of the World Champion in Folklore category. For this success he was awarded the national prize for music “Crystal Lyre” of SBMTD, Ministry of Culture and Radio FM The Academic Folk Choir is also honoured with a Diploma of the Ministry of Culture for high contribution to the development of Bulgarian culture. The choir won the Grand Prix for choral music in 2011.
At the beginning of 2007 the choir published the first CD with works by composer Krassimir Kyurkchiiski “Bulgarian folklore choral masterpieces”, and in 2011 – “Live in Concert” with compositions by St. Mutafchiev, Kr. Kyurkchiiski, N. Stoykov, Iv. Spasov, N. Kaufman, K. Stefanov.
Stefan Mutafchiev – Oy, shope, shope
Atanas Iliev – Slanchitse, milo, mamino
Stefan Mutafchiev – Petkana
Ivan Valev – Neranza
Nikolay Kaufman – Sedyanka
Krassimir Kyurkchiyski – Pladnina preyoda
Kiril Stefanov – Ya ti postilam shareni chergi
Iliyan Yuruchki – Dve miniatyuri
Ivan Spasov – Balno li ti e, sino
Nikolay Kaufman – Kalugerine
Stefan Chapkanov – Kolko sa, male
Kiril Stefanov – Mori, ayda, ayda
Stefan Mutafchiev – Gel moma
Georgi Andreev – Nedelyo, Nedelyo
Krassimir Kyurkchiyski – Bre, Petrunko
Kiril Stefanov – Altun Maro
Tickets are avaliable at the Synagogue, one hour before the concert. The ticket price is RSD 300. The revenue from the sold tickets goes to humanitarian purposes, the “Live Upright” Center.
Foto: Promo