The Play Hasanaginica
The play Hasanaginica by Ljubomir Simović, directed by András Urbán, will be performed at the Novi Sad Theatre on 15 April at 7 p.m.
Hasanaginica, inspired by the play by Ljubomir Simović and directed by András Urbán is a play that you have to see. Cast: Livia Banka, Figura Terézia, Gombos Dániel, Huszta Dániel, Mészáros Árpád, Attila Nemet, Robert Ozvar, Gabor Pongo, Sirmer Zoltán and Márta Béres as guests from the ‘Kosztolányi Dezső’ theatre. The text was translated into Hungarian by Robert Lenard, and the playwright is Vedrana Božinović. Set designer is András Urbán, costume designer Milica Grbić-Komazić, composer Irena Popović Dragović.
Hasanaginica is not only an ancient story about love, pain, man and woman, family. Hasanaginica is first and foremost a story about a woman. About women. Yes, it is apparently about the position of women in the middle of an Islamic country ‒ but honestly, the position of women is only apparently better in our country or even in a more civilized country. In the midst of global and local scandals of the abuse of women ‒ the eternal story of the abuse of an absolute woman and mother arrives.