Pottery and Graphic Workshop – ’Together as One’ | Kaleidoscope of Culture 2024
Pottery and Graphic Workshop – ’Together as One’, implemented by Iskra (Momo Pottery) and Graphic Network, as part of the Collective Artistic Practice programme, will be held during the Applied Arts Week of Kaleidoscope of Culture in the Radionica facility on 6 and 7 September at 7 p.m.
Sign up for the pottery workshop via this link.
Entrance to the graphics workshop is free.
Association of Collective Art Practice (SKUP) has opened its doors to the public at the Radionica facility in the District. SKUP aims to foster collaboration and resource sharing among different organizations and groups, including independent cultural stakeholders, freelance artists, and cultural institutions.
Kaleidoscope of Culture, as the most significant regional artistic gathering and Europe’s best Trend Brand, is in its seventh year, brings together global stars, Serbian art giants, emerging creators, and the independent art scene.
For more information about the programme, visit the official Kaleidoscope of Culture website.