The Novi Sad UV band will perform on 12 January at 6 p.m. on Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard, in the passage between the Bulevar Books bookstore and DDOR building. The UV band’s concert will be part of the ‘Warm Up’ festival in public spaces and the warm-up for 13 January, when Novi Sad will officially take the title of European Capital of Culture.
UV is a self-panned band from Novi Sad consisting of Igor Sakač (guitar, vocals), Petar Banjac (drums, vocals) and Filip Grubač (bass guitar). ‘UV’ is an abbreviation of ‘Overture’ – a band whose members were these three guys.
On 12 January, the ‘Warm Up’ concerts will take place at several locations across the city. Local artists and bands will thus announce the beginning of the title year, which officially begins with the programme in the Serbian National Theatre on 13 January, with the great event outdoors, and concerts at dozens of locations across the city.
The idea is to present Novi Sad through music on 12 January, and in that manner, warm up the citizens of Novi Sad and its guests for the upcoming events. In addition to UV band, Zbogom Brus Li, Gift, Love Hunters, UV, Dragon’s Fuel, Šinobusi, Zbogom Brus Li, Stefan i akustični gadovi, Killo Killo Banda, Klo Klo, Atheist Rap, Plavi ptičić, and Josip A Lisac, will perform within the ‘Warm Up’ festival.