Where Migrations End: From Roman Pannonia to Today’s Vojvodina
Was there a ‘city before the city’? The stories of Pannonia as a space for migrations have a long history. The time has come for us to retell them once more. On the first day of February, the multimedia exhibition ‘Where Migrations End: From Roman Pannonia to Today’s Vojvodina’ will be opened at the Museum of Vojvodina, within the Migrations programme arch.
In the 1950s in the villages of Srem, not far from Novi Sad, some precious archaeological artefacts from the mighty Roman Empire were discovered – three gilded helmets of unusual beauty. Dating from the 4th century, after the declaration of the Edict of Milan, the famous law on tolerance, the helmets as symbols of imperial power also tell a backstory of the Pannonian provinces in which, then as now, numerous peoples lived, and where the borders between civilization and barbarism were drawn. In the hopes of exploring migrations as a civilizational phenomenon and to represent local treasures in a contemporary way, the team from the Museum of Vojvodina has prepared the multimedia exhibition ‘Where Migrations End: From Roman Pannonia to Today’s Vojvodina’.
Visitors will travel through time, coming closer to a distant historical context, as well as the exciting process of the discovery and preservation of the ancient helmets. Cultural heritage will be examined through various artistic programmes, workshops, and panel discussions, while a monodrama will present Roman officer Dizon, who might have worn a helmet like this. The museum will invite citizens to send short video essays on the theme of What is tolerance to you? in order to communicate and examine what the idea of tolerance used to be and what it is now.
The exhibition will be set up at the Museum of Vojvodina in Dunavska Street 35, until 30 April 2022, while the monodrama ‘Blood and Mud’ (Krv i blato) will be played 16 times during the exhibition, dates of which can be found on the following link.
On the day of the opening, 1 February 2022, the entry will be free of charge, while after that, the tickets will be sold as follows:
Individual visits
Adults RSD 200
Children, students, and elderly RSD 150
One ticket allows you to visit the exhibition spaces in Dunavska Street 35, Dunavska Street 37 and the Museum of the Unification of Vojvodina to Serbia.
Group visits
For groups of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 people, the price of tickets per person is RSD 100.
All group visits are provided with expert guidance through the exhibition space. Group visits must be scheduled by emailing
pedagoska.sluzba@muzejvojvodine.org.rs a day early.
Free entry
Children under the age of 7
People with disabilities and their personal assistants
ICOM members
Members of the Museum Society of Serbia
Members who have VIP cards
Accredited journalists