First Day / Serbian Underground Festival
The Serbian Underground Festival will be held in the District on 21 and 22 October as part of the Comic Book CIty and the Other? Europe programme arch.
This year, the Serbian Underground Festival focuses on comics, as an indispensable element of underground culture. Numerous comic authors, independent exhibitors and visual artists will present themselves and works at the festival during both days.
On the first evening, as a special guest of the 8th Serbian Underground Festival, the audience will be presented with an unusual artistic creation from Romania – Dordeduh, a band that is connected to the local underground scene, and whose members have been present since the mid-nineties. This band’s concert is an audiovisual event that brings the spirit of the past, centuries buried far before our time. It is a unique combination of the spiritual music of ancient Transylvania, with the use of authentic ancient instruments, and with neo-folk motifs and crowned with dark tones of black metal. The indisputable quality of their art classifies them in all directions and sub-directions, and always leaves the audience delighted and eager for concerts.
On the same evening, the audience will be able to enjoy two unique live performances by local performers: Marjan i Žeže will present themselves as part of their project in which they use a unique laser piano that is a sound and visual attraction. In combination with synths, theremin and various guitar effects, the duo will take us through an ambient journey and exploration of sound.
Voden is a one-member musical project, inspired by the music of different eras and genres, from ancient to electro music, imbued with the sound of the guitar. The final product of the combination can best be described as experimental. At the performance, Voden will perform some of the songs from the first album ‘The Cult of Deep Waters’, the second album ‘Dreaming the Unknown’ and the third album ‘The Trident’.
8 p.m. / Voden
9 p.m. / Marjan&Žeže
10.30 p.m. / Dordeduh
Tickets for the festival are on sale in the entire Gigs Tix sales network as well as on their website.