Gulliver’s Travels
Meetings of famous professional puppet theatres from Serbia and Europe, some new readings of fairy tales, and expeditions in around forty magical stories all await us within the Future of Europe programme arch, as part of the ‘Fairy Tales of the Future’.
The play ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ will be performed in the city centre of Novi Sad on 7 May at 7.15 p.m, as a part of the international theatre festival ‘Novi Sad Theatre Festival’.
A classic work of European satirical and children’s literature, ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by Jonathan Swift, will take the audience on a magical theatre adventure to remember. The play, directed by Kokan Mladenović, will feature fetching giant puppets, while the entire Youth Theatre acting ensemble will participate in the staging itself.
The play will be performed at five different set points, so the path from point A to point B will be creative, accompanied by special effects, moving scenography and live music.
Each of the points will present one of the most interesting adventures from Gulliver’s Travels, while Gulliver himself will be represented by a five-metre puppet, a 30-centimetre puppet, and a live actor as well.
The first stage will be set on Dunavska Street (between the Library and the Irish Pub). When Gulliver finds himself among the Lilliputians on his first voyage, he will be represented by a Grand-Guignol, animated by actors and actresses, while the audience and the rest of the actors and actresses will find themselves in the role of Lilliputians – they are going to be twelve times smaller.
The second stage will be shown in the part of the Fish Market and in the Republic Square. On his second voyage, Gulliver comes to Brobdingnag, where the creatures he meets are twelve times bigger than him. Gulliver will be a puppet again, and the spectators along with the actors and actresses will be the giants from Brobdingnag.
The third stage will be located in the passage in Dunavska Street (No. 13), the fourth in Ilije Ognjanovića Street, and the fifth in the Archives of Vojvodina’s garden. The audience will meet pirates, reasonable horses, new countries…
The play is intended for children over the age of 5.
The Festival Programme:
Saturday, 7 May at 7.15 p.m. – ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ (Youth Theatre – Novi Sad Serbia)
Saturday, 7 May at 11 a.m. – ‘Invisible Lands‘ (‘Livsmedlet’ (‘Grus Grus Teatteri’) – Turku, Finland)
Duration: 50 min / Recommended age: 14+
Sunday, 8 May at 7 p.m. – ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ (‘Maribor Puppet Theatre’ – Maribor, Slovenia and ‘Rijeka City Puppet Theater’ – Rijeka, Croatia)
Duration: 45 min / Recommended age: 6+
Monday, 9 May at 7 p.m. – ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ (‘Herceg Novi Theatre’ and ‘Herceg Novi April Theatre Festival’ – Herceg Novi, Montenegro)
Duration: 80 min / Recommended age: 7+
Tuesday, 10 May at 5 p.m., small stage – ‘Silent Boy’ (‘Theatre for Children Kragujevac’ – Kragujevac, Serbia)
Duration: 45 min / Recommended age: 6+
Tuesday, 10 May at 7 p.m., small stage – ‘Chrono-Dwarves’ (‘Bratislava Puppet Theater’ – Bratislava, Slovakia)
Duration: 55 min / Recommended age: 8+
Wednesday, 11 May at 7 p.m., big stage – ‘Coffee Kingdom’ (‘Puppet Theater Zadar’ – Zadar, Croatia)
Duration: 45 min / Recommended age: 6+
Thursday, 12 May at 11 a.m., small stage – ‘Three Musketeers’ (‘Alfa Theater’ – Pilsen, Czech Republic)
Duration: 55 min / Recommended age: 8+
Thursday, 12 May at 7 p.m., small stage – ‘Seven Ravens’ (‘Children’s Theatre of the Republic of Srpska’, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Duration: 60 min / Recommended age: 6+
Friday, 13 May at 12 p.m., Danube Park and Youth Theatre – ‘Playing Up’ (Fundus Theater – Theater of Research from Hamburg, Germany, LADA and TATE gallery from London, England)
Duration of the play is subject to change / Recommended age: 7+ and adults
Friday, 13 May at 7 p.m., big stage – ‘Mahmud’ (‘Ptuj City Theatre’ – Ptuj, Slovenia)
Duration: 50 min / Recommended age: 12+
Saturday, 14 May at 11 a.m., small stage – ‘Chaplin’ (‘Puppet Theatre Košice’, Slovakia)
Duration: 55 min / Recommended age: 6+
Saturday, 14 May at 12 p.m., Danube Park – ‘Playing Up’ (Fundus Theater – Theater of Research from Hamburg, Germany, LADA and TATE gallery from London, England)
Duration of the play is subject to change / Recommended age: 7+ and adults
Saturday, 14 May at 7 p.m., big stage – ‘Gerda’s Room’ (‘Osobnyak Theatre’, Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Duration: 90 min / Recommended age: 12+
Sunday, 15 May at 12 a.m., Youth Theatre – ‘Mouse Maus House Haus That Is Puss in Boots’ (Drama Studio of the Center for Culture – Pozarevac, Serbia)
Duration: 35 min / Recommended age: 5+
Sunday, 15 May at 7.30 p.m., Youth Theatre – ‘Metamorphoses’ (Youth Theatre – Novi Sad Serbia)
Duration: 45 min / Recommended age: 15+
You can buy tickets for the plays within the ‘Novi Sad Theatre Festival’ at the box office of the Youth Theatre. The individual ticket price is RSD 500, while the group ticket price is RSD 350.
Admission to the premiere of the play ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ in the city centre is free.
Photo: Promo